Research indicates the importance of creative training to other fields of study, including the development of physical co-ordination, communication skills, individuality, self-discipline and mental application. Graded exams encourage the development of transferable skills: improving own learning and performance (reflecting, critically evaluating, discussing ways to improve learning); working with others (group work, discussion, social skills, benefiting from what others think, say and do) and, in the case of the drama grades, communication (reading, reflection and language across the curriculum).
Assessments are generally conducted throughout the year on dates requested by centres or set and announced in advance by Awarding Organisations. Examinations are held in a wide variety of venues such as schools, colleges, universities, and private education centres, many of which have a long and distinguished history. All centres are expected to demonstrate that they are able to offer appropriate facilities such as a warm-up room.
Since graded exams are entirely externally assessed by an examiner appointed and trained by the Awarding Organisation, venues where examinations are held are not ‘centres’ in the same sense as schools delivering courses such as GCSEs and A levels in the UK. The centre is not responsible for assessing any part of the qualification.